The benefits of dog ownership for seniors is well documented by scientists. Canine companionship has been shown to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and improve symptoms of depression and anxiety. Walking a dog is a great way to keep active. However, there are a lot of considerations when it comes to adopting a dog.

Elderly Care in Culver City CA: Senior Pets

It’s important to find a dog that will fit with the owner’s lifestyle and abilities, and that the dog’s needs for attention, exercise, grooming, and health care can be met. Large dogs, or those with lots of energy, might be tough for seniors to handle over time. Some seniors find that rescuing a middle-aged dog is a good way to find a friend who has calmed down a bit from their puppy days.

A few popular breeds for seniors are listed below.


This tiny pooch weighs only about 4-7 pounds, so it's quite manageable for most seniors to handle. The Maltese love to lie about on its owner’s lap. It appreciates short walks. The Maltese benefit from regular grooming.


Another miniature doggie, the Pomeranian weighs 3-7 pounds, on average. It’s very affectionate, playful, and easy to handle. It loves to snuggle up in a cozy lap and its exercise needs are minimal. The Pom appreciates regular grooming.

Bichon Frise

The bichon frise is an affectionate little fluff ball of a dog that makes a wonderful companion for an older adult. They are very small, usually weighing between 7-12 pounds, so they are easy for most seniors to handle on a leash. They are bright and easy to train. They require a moderate amount of exercise and attention but are fairly low-maintenance. They require occasional grooming, such as a visit to a professional groomer every month or two.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavaliers are extremely affectionate, adaptable, and easy to train. They are considered one of the better breeds for apartment life. They are friendly, small dogs who love snuggling with their people. Weighing between 11-18 pounds, they are easy to handle. Cavaliers’ fur should be brushed and groomed regularly.

French Bulldog

The French bulldog is a happy chap, known for being among the most cheerful of all dogs. They weigh between 19-28 pounds on average. They are strong and active but have limited endurance, so moderate daily exercise is enough for these French fellows. They need minimal grooming.


The greyhound is a larger dog, weighing in from about 60-80 pounds. Greyhounds love to lounge around with their owner. They do appreciate a daily walk and an occasional opportunity to run. They tend to be easy to train and handle.

Home Care can Support Senior Dog Owners

Many seniors use home care services to help meet the needs of their dogs. This can be a good arrangement that allows the senior to benefit from dog ownership but provides extra support, as well as a safety net in case of an unexpected setback, such as a trip to the hospital. Home care aides can be scheduled to come in as needed.

For example, some seniors arrange for a home care aide to take their dog to the groomer once per month, and to the vet when needed. Others have the home care aide in daily to assist with some household chores around the house, including picking up after the dog. Some appreciate the aide taking the dog for a walk. All of these tasks can be completed with or without the senior’s participation, based on their particular needs and preferences.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Elderly Care in Culver City, CA, please call Mom's Home Care and talk to our friendly, knowledgeable staff. 
Our number is: 323-244-4789
