Dementia is a harrowing experience for many people, and this condition leads them to feel a disconnect from their past and present. Their caregivers, who are often their children or other loved ones, seek to find the best treatment possible. Music therapy is one of the modern options that is used to provide a greater sense of relief for individuals in this situation.

What is Music Therapy?

The exact type of therapy implemented will depend upon a few factors, including the sufferer's exact condition and how advanced the condition is. The music therapy used now may also depend upon methods used in the past. For example, people who have never experienced music therapy before might start by listening to some basic tunes; however, those individuals who have experienced preliminary music therapy in the past may work to produce their own sounds. This type of therapy has a variety of benefits to offer for dementia sufferers. 

In the Now

Dementia poses a number of issues for patients, and one of them is related to the loss of memory. People may find it therapeutic to knit or to produce a painting, for example. However, these skills rely on a past memory; patients must recall techniques used to produce the final product. While these types of therapies have their value too, music does not require the patients to draw on past knowledge, at least not in the early stages of music therapy. Dementia patients can relax and enjoy the music in the present.

Recollection of the Past

Although listening to music does not require an acute knowledge, understanding, or memory of the past, it can help patients to remember days gone by. For example, people who suffer from dementia might not remember the days when they were in their 20s or 30s. However, when they start to listen to music from those time periods, they can experience a jog in their memories. Even if their memories appear for a few fleeting moments, they can take joy in traveling back to their pasts for that time.

Emotional Release

Many individuals know how comforting it is to hear a favorite song or to listen to the radio while they drive home from a stressful day at work. Music offers an emotional release, and people who suffer from dementia can also experience that release. Even if they lack the ability to show their frustration with dementia, they may still internally know that something isn't right. Listening to music or creating sounds can provide them with an escape from their stress.

Creative Outlet

People who engage in musical therapy also have the chance to pursue a creative outlet. Whether they are making music with instruments or singing lyrics, they are contributing to the creative world. For people who feel a disconnect from the outside world, the ability to make a product can prove powerful. 

Music therapy is a field that can bring benefits to many people, and patients suffering from dementia are among that group of individuals.