Aging comes with a natural decline in your loved one’s immunity. He or she has a greater risk of developing degenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Dementia. These conditions increase the instances of self-neglect, personal care, basic hygiene, medication, and nutrition. Mom's Home Care in Bel-Air takes the responsibility of providing care to your loved one while you deal with other activities. Read on to find out how these degenerative conditions affect your loved one, how to identify them, and to get the best senior care.

Overview of Degenerative Conditions in Old Age

The systems of the body naturally decline with age. It increases the risks of developing certain conditions. When these changes happen, especially those related to memory loss, most people dismiss them as part of normal aging.

While a decline in memory is normal as we age, Dementia and Alzheimer’s are not. Family members are the first people who notice the decline in their loved one’s health.

If you notice your loved one is increasingly losing the ability to remember, then you might consider a caregiver or a senior home. Caregivers are specially trained personnel who work with seniors in Bel-Air to provide companionship, care, and assistance to your loved one.

Here are common degenerative conditions that might require the assistance of a caregiver:


Dementia is a general term covering the conditions that lead to memory loss, declined thinking abilities, and social abilities. Dementia occurs when the connections and nerve cells in the brain are lost or damaged. Some forms of Dementia are reversible, while others progress until the person cannot handle any tasks.

The common forms of progressive Dementia (irreversible) include Alzheimer’s, Lewy body Dementia vascular Dementia, frontotemporal Dementia, and mixed Dementia.

Age is not a cause of Dementia. However, it increases the chances of developing the condition. Other conditions could also increase the risk of developing the condition, including:

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
  • Huntington’s disease
  • Down syndrome
  • Family history of Dementia

Mom's Home Care offers Dementia care that seeks to reverse some of the symptoms of Dementia, such as:

  • Diet and exercise by encouraging a healthy plant-based diet that naturally boosts your immunity.
  • Reducing alcohol intake
  • Management of preexisting conditions such as hypertension, obesity, and high cholesterol through medical reminders. If your loved one takes their medicines to manage these conditions, they are likely to reduce the risk of deteriorating.
  • Reducing smoking
  • Providing meals with sufficient nutrients such as Vitamin D, B-6, B-12 and folate to reduce the risk of developing Dementia

Identifying the signs and symptoms of Dementia is essential in keeping your loved one safe and well-taken care of. The common signs include:

  • He or she gets lost in familiar surroundings
  • Repeating questions or stories frequently
  • Difficulties in following directions
  • Misperception of time
  • Your loved one does not recognize people he or she is familiar with
  • Difficulties in communicating
  • Reduced attention span and the ability to focus
  • A decline in personal care
  • Declined cognitive function such as logic and judgment

Mom's Home Care understands the needs and difficulties seniors go through, especially if they are dealing with Dementia. Our services are designed to make them as comfortable as possible while preventing the risk of developing conditions associated with Dementia, such as:

  • Poor nutrition
  • Reduced immunity which increases the risk of catching infections such as pneumonia
  • Personal safety risks
  • Failure to perform self-care tasks


Alzheimer’s is a condition characterized by progressive damage and death of brain cells. Anyone, young or old, can develop Alzheimer’s, but the risk increases with age. Alzheimer's causes a progressive decline in memory and cognitive function.

Alzheimer’s is irreversible and one of the leading causes or progressive Dementia. The symptoms worsen over time until the person cannot function in a social situation. He or she cannot form a conversation or recall basic details.

However, with the right care, your loved one can enjoy a fulfilled life with a treatment that slows down the development of the symptoms. The major goal of Alzheimer’s care is to create a quality life. Before providing the right care, you need to have the right diagnosis first.

The common symptoms of Alzheimer’s include:

  • Difficulties in recalling recent information
  • Disorientation
  • Mood, behavioral and personality changes such as withdrawal, distrust, wandering, irritability and delusions
  • Difficulties in concentrating, thinking and reasoning
  • Poor judgments and decisions
  • The person struggles with planning activities he or she was previously good at

Alzheimer’s can cause complications such as problems with communicating pain, reporting symptoms of an illness, following prescribed treatment, or tracking the body's response to the medication he or she takes.


Parkinson’s is a progressive condition that affects the nervous system. The risk for developing Parkinson’s increases with age, but can begin as early as 50 years. The common signs of Parkinson’s include:

  • Slight tremors when the disease is starting
  • Reduced coordination and balance
  • Changes in posture and gait
  • Fixed facial expressions
  • Tremors in the voice
  • Difficulties with sleep
  • Reduced or lost the sense of smell
  • Mood changes
  • Difficulties in swallowing
  • Constipation
  • Skin problems

Understanding the symptoms of Parkinson’s and identifying them sooner helps in managing the condition and delaying the progression of the symptoms.

Parkinson’s is thought to occur due to a decline in dopamine levels in the brain. Dopamine is responsible for movement, coordination, and balance.

Another common cause is reduced norepinephrine levels, which controls automatic functions of the body, including circulation. Reduced norepinephrine levels cause fatigue, constipation, and hypotension.

Some of the risk factors for Parkinson’s include:

  • Genetic factors: people with a family history of Parkinson’s are likely to develop the condition
  • Autoimmune rheumatic conditions

Our Services at Mom’s Home Care

Getting a caregiver is both freeing and safe. You can handle pressing obligations while at the same time, ensuring your loved one is getting the best care possible. Our care services for people with Dementia, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson’s include:

Mobility Assistance

Moving around becomes harder for people suffering from conditions such as Parkinson’s. Also, memory lapses can lead to getting lost in familiar areas, which exposes your loved one to danger.

An in-house caregiver helps your loved one move around and engage with the world without the risks of getting lost. Also, he or she can drive your loved one around, which keeps him or her entertained and safe.

Mobility care also includes positioning and repositioning services. Most seniors spend their days in bed, especially as Dementia or Alzheimer’s progress. They are, therefore, at an increased risk of developing bedsores.

A caregiver will keep positioning and repositioning your loved one to ensure he or she does not develop life-threatening infections due to bedsores.


A healthy and nutritious diet is crucial in a healthy lifestyle in old age. Seniors face several challenges with nutrition, including:

  • Isolation which reduces their appetite
  • Difficulty in preparing healthy meals which increases the consumption of fast foods or none thereof
  • Difficulties in running errands such as grocery shopping

Caregivers take this burden off by running errands such as grocery shopping. The caregiver shops for healthy and nutritious ingredients to ensure that your loved one is taking nutritious meals.

After shopping for these ingredients, the caregiver will do meal planning and preparation, depending on the nutritional needs of your loved one.

The time spent shopping for groceries, preparing, and having meals can be used as opportunities to keep your loved one company. Companionship while having meals is key in boosting appetite.

Many studies have shown the benefits of having meals with another person. The conversations also keep your loved one mentally engaged. Companionship is also key in the management of Dementia. It slows down the progress making it easier to live with the condition.

Household Chores

Doing household chores becomes harder as you age. When you have Parkinson’s, Dementia, or Alzheimer’s, these tasks are hard to remember or even do them.

Keeping a clean home is essential for the wellbeing of your loved one, but you do not have to kill yourself doing it. Instead, delegate the task to Mom’s Home Care. We have a team of qualified professionals who will handle housekeeping tasks such as:

  • Laundry
  • Pet care
  • Trash runs
  • Surface cleaning such as sweeping and mopping
  • Kitchen and bathroom maintenance
  • Bedroom care such as surface cleaning and changing bed linen
  • Decluttering and removing obstacles from paths

Living in a clean space enhances comfort and reduces the risk of infections. As we clean, we strive to maintain as much privacy as we can for you and your loved one.

If you wish to have house cleaning services, you can reach out to plan on how often you need the services and the coverage you require. 

Hygiene and Grooming

Hygiene tends to take a back seat for most seniors. The most common causes of declined hygiene include:

  • Depression
  • Physical limitations
  • Decline in sensitivity

When coupled with Dementia or Alzheimer’s, personal hygiene becomes more difficult. However, hygiene is crucial to the wellbeing of your loved one. It can help reduce body odor and help your loved one feel good about themselves.

Some of the hygiene and grooming services we offer include:

  • Shaving
  • Nail and toe maintenance
  • Hair Care, including cleaning
  • Dressing
  • Organizing clothing

Depending on the situation and the health of your loved one, you can opt for live-in care or part-time care. You can also have a caregiver come to your home several times a week. However, if your loved one’s condition is very advanced, he or she might need a full-time caregiver or in-home care. Before deciding on the best option, talk with other concerned family members as well as your loved one to make sure he or she understands the need for professional assistance.

Medication Reminders

Memory loss increases the risk of forgetting important tasks, such as taking medication. Your loved one also has a poor concept of time, which could affect the dosage frequency. Mom's Homecare in Bel-Air provides medical reminder services to help you administer medication to your loved one.

We develop medical reminders based on the needs of your loved one and how progressed the condition is. We also help you in monitoring the side effects and complications arising from the medication.

Toileting and Incontinence Care

As Dementia progresses, your loved one is likely to suffer incontinence and toileting problems due to:

  • Problems with communicating the need to use a toilet
  • He or she is not familiar with the location of the toilet
  • Confusion about where or what the toilet is
  • Difficulties in connecting between the sensation to use the toilet and using it
  • Mobility problems that make it hard to get to the toilet in time
  • Problems with recalling how to use a toilet
  • Disinterest in finding a toilet
  • The embarrassment, which discourages him or her from seeking help

After having an accident, your loved one is likely to feel embarrassed. With a caregiver present, he or she can recognize the common signs before your loved one uses the toilet and help him/ her to locate it in time.

Mom’s Home Care in Bel-Air also evaluates the state of the toilet and bathroom to ensure that they are comfortable, safe, and convenient for your loved one. This could include:

  • Creating strong and reachable grips
  • Adjusting the height of the toilet seat
  • Placing the toilet paper in an accessible point
  • Installing non-slippery floors for safety
  • Clearing obstacles on the path to the bathroom

We also provide alternative toileting options such as bedpans, catheters, and adult diapers for seniors who cannot physically access the toilet.

Find a Caregiver Near Me

Our minds are cultured to avoid seeking help, even when we are struggling. Whether you are a senior whose health and mental agility is declining, or you are overwhelmed caregiver, Mom’s Home Care encourages you to reach out to us. Let us take the burden off your shoulders while you focus on other activities. We offer compassionate, dignifying, and customized services to all our clients in Bel-Air and the surrounding areas. We will help make your loved one’s sunset years as fulfilling as possible even when they suffer from degenerative conditions such as Dementia, Alzheimer’s, or Parkinson’s. If you need help, reach out to us at 323-244-4789.